the future
We are in the post-asbestos era that will safely transform more than 250 million metric tons of mining liabilities from another era into a new source of wealth for future generations.

Début de l’ère post-amiante
Our mission
Putting our mining expertise at the service of our partners
- 1Foster partnerships in order to be able to develop mineral resources rich in strategic minerals in a safe and responsible way, in accordance with the principles of the circular economy.
- 2Support innovation and the implementation of renewable energies on the many sites it manages.
- 3Restore all of its buildings and land to increase their value.
Why 3r Mineral?
Giving new life to sites
3R Mineral’s mission is to manage all the mining assets of its parent company, according to three main strategic axes: Foster partnerships in order to be able to develop mineral resources rich in strategic minerals, in a safe, responsible manner, and in accordance with the principles of the circular economy; Restore all of its buildings and land in order to increase their value; Support innovation and the implementation of renewable energies on the many sites it manages.

Circular economy
The essence of valuing our mineral reserves
Reduce mine tailings by upgrading them in order to recycle the magnesium, nickel and several other minerals contained in our piles; this is in line with the definition of the circular economy.

Contribute to cleaner air
The capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide from new technologies using the characteristics of our serpentine piles and their natural physical properties will allow us to contribute to Quebec and Canada’s greenhouse gas reduction objectives.

Our commitment
to our workers
and the local population
3R Mineral is committed with its partners to maintain the level of ambient air quality at the urban perimeter equal to or lower than the level measured before the start of any project to develop our mineral reserves. We also undertake to maintain the highest standards required by the authorities concerned in order to protect the health and safety of the workers assigned to these projects.

Our commitments
Preserve urban air quality
Protect the population
Protect our workers
Use our expertise of more than 100 years
Create quality, well-paying jobs
Actively participate in the prosperity of the post-asbestos era
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